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Ideas Work
P r a c t i c a l p e a r l s f r o m y o u r c o l l e a g u e s
Kids Love to Drive Themselves to Surgery
ur pediatric patients drive themselves to surgery in a pint-
sized Ford F-150. The battery-powered vehicles are available
at any big box toy store for about $500. We've found that it's
a small price to pay to reduce a child's anxiety during what's a very
stressful time for them and their parents. The unexpected perk since
we bought the truck? The smallest member of our clinical team gets
to drive it back to the pre-op area to pick up the next patient.
Vicki Squires, MMEd, CCLS
The Children's Hospital
of San Antonio
• JOY RIDE Children are all smiles as they drive themselves to the OR.
San Antonio, Texas