7 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A U G U S T 2 0 1 7
he nearly 200 facility leaders who
took our 5
annual Cataract
Surgery Technology Survey pro-
vided a glimpse into what's driving purchasing decisions
and which technological advances are catching on at eye
centers across the country. Femtosecond lasers still haven't deeply
penetrated the market — and facilities won't be adding a laser any-
time soon if they haven't already done so. Facility leaders will gladly
invest in ergonomic solutions such as heads-up video displays to pro-
tect their surgeons from repetitive stress injuries, but tighten up the
purse strings when it comes to adding dropless cataract surgery,
pupillary maintenance solutions or surgical microscope imaging
Forget the marketing pitches — our reader survey reveals what's
making a real difference in eye surgery today.
Cataract Surgery
Technology Update
Daniel Cook
Executive Editor
• SMART SHOPPER Cataract surgery's thin profit margin demands investing in products that provide significant clinical
benefit or that attract patients and surgeons to your ORs.