A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 5
Are Prefilled Syringes Worth It?
Yes, you'll spend more, but you'll waste less
medication and you'll spend less time drawing
it up and labeling it.
Joshua Montney, PharmD, MBA, BCPS,
and Johnathan E. Stinnett, CPht
53 Reducing the Risk of Wrong-Site Surgery
Key defenses in the battle to eliminate
preventable harm include the time out, pre-
operative verification process and site marking.
Bill Donahue | Senior Editor
59 Warming Up to Normothermia
A new CMS quality measure will
require ASCs to track their ability to
keep patients warm. Are you ready?
Bill Donahue | Senior Editor
65 5 Strategies for Whole-Room Disinfection
When time and resources are limited,
efficiency is the key.
Jim Burger | Senior Editor
72 Cataract Surgery Technology Update
Forget the marketing pitches —
our reader survey reveals what's making a
real difference in eye surgery today.
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
79 8 Ways to Prevent Pressure Ulcers
How to maintain the integrity
of each patient's skin.
Diane B. Kimsey, MSN, MHA, CNOR, CMLSO
86 The Case for Robotic Hernia
They're a minimally invasive opportunity for
the vast majority of surgeons who haven't had a
chance to master laparoscopic hernia repair.
Shirin Towfigh, MD, FACS
92 Improve Your Polyp Detection Rates
Advances in flexible endoscopy enhance your
ability to visualize the colon's walls and peer
behind its folds.
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
August 2017 • Vol. XVIII, No. 8