5 Tips for Meaningful Meetings
You can get a lot done in a 15-minute weekly staff gathering.
know they're necessary evils, but staff meetings are a thorn in
almost every manager's side. Here are some ideas to run meetings
like a pro.
Keep a meeting scrapbook. Devote a notebook, journal or clip-
board as your staff meeting "scrapbook." Title it as such, and
keep blank pages and Post-its with it. Keep it on your desk or close by
for easy reference. I use a clipboard with a colorful notebook as well
as bright Post-its for staff meeting notes so they don't get lost in the
3 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A U G U S T 2 0 1 7
Leslie Mattson, RN, BSHM
• MEETINGITIS Poorly organized and inefficiently run meetings can drain staff morale.