eannette Moretti, RN, remembers what hip replacement was
like 15 or 20 years ago, back in the old days when total joint
surgery was very invasive, pain control was primitive and
the patient was immobile for days. Admitting these patients
the night before surgery and for 3 or 4 nights afterward was
necessary. Surgery took a minimum of 3 hours and required 10 to 12
instrument trays. Following hospital discharge, some patients would
require further care at a rehabilitation facility.
My, how times have changed. Fast forward to today and it's GET HIP,
Patients arrive 2 hours before surgery. It's wheels in, wheels out in 90
3 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U L Y 2 0 1 7
Same-Day Hip Success
• MINIMAL TRESPASS Smaller-incision,
muscle-sparing surgical techniques for
joint replacement contribute to a
successful surgery and recovery.
Dan O'Connor
Thanks to muscle-sparing surgical techniques and innovative
pain management protocols, patients are back in their reclin-
ers before they know it.