his mouth when he starts with his yelling and belittling of the scrub tech.
> Wolverine
Possessing a powerful regenerative ability known as
a healing factor would be great next time you drop stuff on your feet,
or run over your toes with the robot or C-arm. Wolverine has 3
retractable claws housed within each forearm. We all know a good
nurse always has sharp scissors at hand.
> Storm
Storm's ability to manipulate weather would help us drive
through snow to get to work at dark thirty in the morning. A little
lightning could zap those people standing in the hall doing nothing.
Storm can flash-freeze specimens before you send them to pathology
for a frozen section. Storm can control inner ear pressure, causing
great pain. Yes! This would come in handy when those in a higher
income bracket started with their hostile behavior.
> Superman
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomo-
tive. Who couldn't use this? We'd never be behind on our chart-
ing on those ditzel cases that take all of 10 minutes to do.
X-ray vision means no more waiting on radiology or the C-arm.
I could see exactly where the fracture is. "Nope, Doctor, you
aren't even close to getting that screw in at that angle."
It certainly doesn't hurt that Superman also has a body of steel.
Who doesn't want abs and buns of steel?
Remember, Superman is really mild-mannered journalist Clark
Kent. Writing this column qualifies me as a journalist. I still need
some work on that mild-mannered part.
Contact Ms. Watkins at pwatkins12@comcast.net.
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