1 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U L Y 2 0 1 7
ptimizing dedicated surgical packs can save time and money,
but since different surgeons have different preferences, how
do you decide which supplies to include and which to
We came up with a formula that's resulted in real cost savings. Our
magic number is 90%. If items in a specialty pack are used by sur-
geons in at least 90% of cases, we have our vendor include them in
our customized packs. But if items are being opened and ultimately
thrown away more than 10% of the time, we tell our vendor to leave
them out. We've found that it makes more sense to open lesser-used
items separately for the surgeons who want them.
90% Is the Magic Number to Optimize Procedure Packs
• POWER PACK Surgical specialty packs that contain only items used in at least 90% of cases save time and money in the OR.
Ideas Work