Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

In & Out - May 2017 - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/822477

Contents of this Issue


Page 69 of 110

increase case times. Yes, it does require some extra setup — regis- tration and placing arrays, for example — but he says once a sur- gical team works out the necessary protocols, operating times will return to normal: 45 minutes to an hour for a UKA, he says. As for multiple orthopods from multiple groups sharing use of the system, he says scheduling hasn't been an issue, though "that would be a good problem to have." "When you explore any new tech- nology and tease apart the data, it's very important to keep an open mind," he says, adding that he expects robotic-assisted arms to expand to not only hips and UKAs but also total knee replacements. "It's important to understand the patient population and their desire to have access to the best and lat- est technology available. If you truly run the numbers, looking at what cases you've done to help pay for the technology, I think you'll see the same benefits seen by us: an increase in market share and volume." OSM 7 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M a y 2 0 1 7 TrenGuard Advanced patient positioning for MIS & robotic surgery. No Shoulder Braces Non-structural lateral stabilizing pillows help control body mass shift. Patented Speed Bump "Speed Bump" bolster is clinically proven to prevent patient sliding. Ask about our TrenGuard™ HYBRID system! t Multi-use positioners reduce medical waste. Trendelenburg Patient Restraint TM Call: (800) 261-9953 info@da-surgical.com www.da-surgical.com Shown: 505 lb. model in 40 O Trendelenburg with TrenGuard™ 600 Hybrid and TrenGuard™ 600 Integrated Support Wedge, PatientGuard™ 800 Stirrups, ArmGuard™ Arm Protector ©2016 D. A. Surgical, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. US Patent: 9,149,406 B2 Doc# 08241601

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