1 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7
utures are
expensive, so it
makes sense to
keep using them until
they're too short to
use anymore. But
when you're using
different sizes on the
same patient, it can
be challenging to tell
them apart. We keep
them straight by
using the needle
count box. The 6-0
sutures go in number
6, the 5-0 in number
5, the 4-0 in number
4, and so on. The sys-
tem is both much
faster and more precise. As you
can see in the picture, it's a
snap to find the 3-0 Nylon, the
4-0 chromic, the 5-0 nylon, the
5-0 PDS, the 6-0 Prolene and
the 6-0 fast absorbing.
Theda C. Kontis, MD, FACS
Facial Plastic Surgicenter
Baltimore, Md.
Keep Different-Size Sutures Straight
• SEW EASY Use a needle count box to make finding the right-sized suture a breeze.
Ideas Work