1 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7
career in health care can be taxing, and that's why you need
to always remind yourself of why you answered its calling.
I'm graduating from medical school this month
and after an experienced physician screamed at me over
the phone about the best way to treat her hospitalized
patient, I thought: What if I end up like her? That's when
I decided to interview doctors about how they avoid feel-
ing burned out or disillusioned. A neurologist gave me
the best advice. He said trying to maintain a work-life bal-
ance in health care is often unrealistic, so he created a
binder that's filled with notes on patient successes and
thank-you letters from families. He said flipping through
the pages reminds him to be proud of the
Burnout Binder Highlights What Matters Most
Ideas Work