J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 3
CLS renewal comes every 2 years, but why not keep staff
fresh every day? We came up with a fun and rewarding way
to keep the knowledge flowing with a few simple items: a
plastic pretzel jar, a bag of Life Savers, a stapler and a pocket clinical
guide. First, from the clinical guide compile info on the key drugs
used in the ACLS algorithms along with mini cardiac rhythm strips.
You can use a question-answer format or simply list the information.
Staple each ACLS drug dose/tip and mini cardiac rhythm strip to an
individually packaged mint. The label on our jar reads: "Take a Mint
and Get a Hint!" Leave the jar in a centrally located place, like a lock-
er room where staff is most likely to see it. You can use this concept
to cover most any topic: malignant hyperthermia, accreditation and
pediatric drugs, for example.
Lisa Ertle, BA, RN
Surgicare of Oradell (N.J.)
Take a Mint and Get a Hint
• REFRESHER COURSE Phyllis Flood, RN, (right),
a former ER nurse, spearheaded an ACLS educational
initiative at Surgicare of Oradell (N.J.).