6 0 S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E M A Y 2 0 1 7
You oversaw a program that reduced colorectal surgery infec-
tion rates by 11%. Why did you take charge of those efforts?
There was a problem with our infection rate, so we gathered as a
care team and worked on improving it by implementing a
standardized approach to pre-op showering, patient educa-
tion, maintaining normothermia, controlling blood glu-
cose levels, and using wound protectors and closing
trays. Ultimately, it was about wanting to do better for our
What proved most challenging
in implementing the changes?
Getting buy-in from everyone involved. That was espe-
cially true for surgeons, who often believe that the way
they've always done things is best. Most surgeons won't
respond if you tell them they need to use a different antibiotic.
But they're more likely to get onboard if you have data showing
that their infection rates are high, compared with other surgeons
using the antibiotic you want them to switch to.
Why are quality improvement bundles useful?
Implementing a bundle is called "clumping." The idea is to employ
a group of measures that are more effective as a whole than they
would be if implemented individually. It's like tuning up your
car. It still might sputter if all you do is change the oil, but if
you also change the spark plugs and clean the air filter, it will run
dramatically better.
et Buy-in for Bundles
to Reduce Infection Risks
Chad Buhs, MD
Surgeon champion of SSI prevention