are relatively lightweight; at the same time, the cables have a reputa-
tion for fragility, meaning they may require repair more often than you
would like. Compare that to the untethered battery-powered LED
headlights, whose rechargeable battery packs can last a surgeon for a
full day's caseload or longer.
"With the tethered options, you don't have to worry about battery
life and it's easy to adjust the light intensity," says Jeffrey Blank, MD, a
podiatric specialist and surgeon in Chicago, Ill. "But then you're also
restricted if you need to move around."
If Dr. Blank were in the market for a new headlight, he would opt
for a battery-powered unit because of the nature of his surgeries.
"When a hand surgeon sits down for a surgery, he's probably not
going to move until he's done," he says. "With my field, when it comes
8 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A P R I L 2 0 1 7
IsoLux llc offers a full range
of Surgical Headlights, all
manufactured in the USA
& available directly from the
factory at
• Options are Xenon & LEDs
units in both AC & DC power
• Choose from 45K - 550Klux
at 30cm. all with 10-110mm.
uniform spot size
• All are light weight and
reduce eye strain
• Hi CRI for examination
& Hi power for deep sites
IsoLux llc | 1045 Collier Center Way | Naples, Florida 34110 | 239.514.7475 |