7 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A P R I L 2 0 1 7
he process for handling total joint patients used to be
fairly simple at San Francisco's Presidio Surgery Center:
Get them into the center, get their surgery done and get
them home safely. Then one day, the Joint Commission
called and everything changed. "They were trying to fig-
ure out standards [for their new total joint certification program] and
wanted input from an ASC," says administrator Jessie Scott, MBA.
What followed was eye-opening, as Presidio began a journey that
Getting Certified for
Total Joint Surgery
Hear from the very first facilities to achieve advanced certification
for total hip and total knee replacement. Jim Burger | Senior Editor
• CERTIFIABLE Business is crisp at Ohio Specialty
Surgical Suites, the first ASC in the nation to earn
total joint certification from the Joint Commission.