A P R I L 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 3 5
3 Places to Look for Hidden Revenue
You're likely to find income stashed away in these unexpected places.
hances are you're missing out on
at least a few opportunities to
increase cash flow — all
because you're not looking in these
3 unlikely places.
Ancillary pro-
cedures. These
are the additional
sources of revenue for serv-
ices provided outside of standard
OR charges or procedure revenue: imag-
ing, lab and neuro-monitoring. Good documenta-
tion is the first step to capturing this revenue. This depends on a clear
communication loop among the OR, materials management and the
business office (see "Growing Revenue Is a Team Sport").
For some revenue sources, specifically those for contracted services
such as neuro-monitoring, study your agreement with the service
provider to determine whether your facility or the service provider
will bill for the service. In addition, know whether you're billing for
the technical component (TC modifier) or the professional and techni-
cal component (no modifier). Clearly outline documentation of the
services in the patient chart, and establish a system for communicat-
ing this to billing.
Physician documentation of a C-arm, ultrasound or other imaging
used during a case is critical. These services are typically billed for
technical component only (TC modifier). Understanding payer guide-
Coding & Billing
Rebecca Geise