but let me double-check my calendar," when you're asked to do some-
thing, because you've already essentially said yes. Say instead, "I can't
commit to that right now, let me check." Taking that opportunity to
pause will let you say no more often, and saying no to more things
lets you devote more time to your other commitments.
Practice positive attitudes
You're ultimately in control of the amount of stress you feel and the
fulfillment you get from your career, regardless of your work situa-
tion. Start now to make the improvements in your life that will help
you avoid burnout. Waiting for the right time to make necessary
changes is an excuse that leads to procrastination and continued
stress. By setting and achieving reasonable goals, you'll begin to gain
momentum in life and at work.
Dr. Smith (jeff@jeffsmithmd.com) is an orthopedic traumatologist and sur-
gical consultant based in San Diego, Calif.
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