How We Got More Patients to
Complete Online Health Histories
1 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A P R I L 2 0 1 7
o simplify and streamline our pre-admissions process, a few
years ago we moved the process online. Instead of a lengthy
screening phone call, we directed patients to submit their med-
ical histories through an easy online questionnaire they could com-
plete at home. When it worked, it worked great. Trouble was, our sur-
geons' office schedulers were struggling to remind patients to go to
the website and fill out their health histories online. Our solution:
drive adoption of the online pre-admissions system by turning it into a
friendly competition among the office schedulers.
• TROPHY HUNTERS Surgeon schedulers who get the most patients to complete
their pre-admission assessments online win a trophy and a dozen gourmet doughnuts.
Ideas Work