For an open
Sharona B.
Ross, MD,
FACS, director
of minimally
invasive sur-
gery and surgi-
cal endoscopy
at Florida
Tampa, would
choose a Level
4 poly-reinforced breathable film sleeve lightweight and long sterile
gown. For minimally invasive laparoscopic or robotic operations that
have minimal blood loss, Dr. Ross says she'd don a lightweight, impervi-
ous, breathable sterile gown rather than a reinforced gown.
As a general rule, a surgical gown with minimal barrier protection is
suitable for short procedures during which there is little or no antici-
pated exposure to blood or bodily fluids. A Level 1 gown would be a
good choice for excisional biopsies, simple ENT procedures and oph-
thalmological cases. A Level 2 gown would be a good choice for ton-
sillectomies and adenoidectomies, endoscopic GI procedures, open
hernia repair and simple orthopedic procedures during which tourni-
quets are used.
As the complexity, length and fluid exposure of the planned proce-
dure increases — and with it increased potential for exposure to
bloodborne pathogens — it would be prudent to select a gown with
greater barrier capability. For example, use a Level 3 gown, which
offers good fluid barrier protection, but is not considered impervious,
6 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A R C H 2 0 1 7
• CUFF SIZE Surgeons prefer a longer cuff that stays snug on the wrist and secures the gloves in place.