Pain Pumps
Provide patients with consistent, long-lasting pain relief.
he limiting fac-
tor in discharg-
ing patients
hours after they've
undergone painful
procedures is manag-
ing their pain once
they're home. That's
where pain pumps
come in. As more
invasive procedures
continue to migrate to
outpatient facilities, the demand for pain pumps is only going to grow.
At the Andrews Institute Ambulatory Surgery Center, we've been
sending patients home with them for 10 years and have had tremen-
dous success. There's a learning curve for providers, but once you've
mastered the skills needed to place catheters in the right locations,
pumps can be a terrific alternative to the opioids-and-good-luck
approach of managing post-op pain.
Elastomeric or electronic?
Which pump should you choose? There are several factors to consid-
er. There are 2 distinct types. Elastomeric pumps slowly deflate on
their own, pushing anesthetic through an IV-type tube to continuously
bathe nerves with soothing relief. Electronic pumps use batteries or
external power sources to provide the same relief. Elastomeric
pumps, and some electronic models, are disposable and therefore typ-
ically more expensive. When patients equipped with non-disposable
1 1 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A R C H 2 0 1 7
Thinking of Buying …
Gregory Hickman, MD
• POWER OF PUMPS While pain
pumps are useful tools for controlling
post-op pain, it's critical to educate
patients on their safe and proper use.