1 0 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A R C H 2 0 1 7
ndophthalmitis is the most dreaded complication of
cataract (or any other intraocular) surgery. Even when
it's diagnosed and treated immediately and appropriate-
ly, the risk of vision loss is high. Fortunately, the post-
operative inflammatory reaction is extremely rare, but
not so rare that we can allow ourselves to be overconfident or fail to
do everything in our power to prevent it. Research is ongoing, and
new theories are emerging, but the best current path to prevention
involves a combination of old-school knowledge and discipline, and
new-school technology. Here's how to steer clear of one of the most
devastating diagnoses in ophthalmology.
Can We Eradicate Endophthalmitis?
7 preventive measures to guard against this rare but sight-threatening
complication. Eileen Beltramba, RN, COT, BS | Winter Haven, Fla.
• INFLAMMATORY REACTION Using pre-loaded IOL injection systems and disposable instruments can help reduce the risk of endophthalmitis.