M A R C H 2 0 1 7 O U T P A T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T 3 9
he biggest challenge in converting a savings
and loan into a surgery center? "Getting the
bank vault out," says nurse consultant Leslie
Mattson, RN BSHM, the CEO of ALM Surgical Solutions in Macon,
Ga., of the quirk in her latest development project. But there's a
contractor for that, so you can add vault excavation and extraction to the list of
the many small and not-so-small things a development consultant can do during
the months of complicated planning, design and construction before you get
those doors open and get those first patients on the table.
Don't Go It Alone
Dan O'Connor
Choose the advisors and consultants to make your project a success.
• TEAM APPROACH It takes a team of pro-
fessional advisors to raise a surgical facility.