M A R C H 2 0 1 7 O U T P A T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T 2 3
Spine-specific Equipment Quantity Cost
Surgical microscope
and monitor
1 $50,649
Power tools 5 $130,000
Cautery machine 2 $11,254
Operating table 2 $59,284
Wilson frame 1 $4,066
Patient positioner/
skull pin attachment
1 $5,799
C-arm 1 $85,561
X-ray machine 1 $58,710
Light source/headlight 2 $14,500
Other OR equipment Quantity Cost
Anesthesia machine 2 $142,712
Mobile fluid suction device 1 $26,212
Sequential compression
6 no cost*
Patient warming system 4 no cost*
Video laryngoscope 1 $19,487
Back table 1 $1,000
Mayo stand 3 $600
X-ray lead barrier 1 $900
X-ray gowns 2 $2,042
Anesthesia cart 1 $1,500
Gas warmer 2 $7,248
* In exchange for the purchase of disposables.
Pre-op/Post-op Quantity Cost
Patient stretcher 4 $2,000
Patient bed 5 $34,539
Vital signs monitor 4 $32,000
Recliner 5 $8,666
Crash cart/defibrillator 1 each $18,050
Wheelchair 4 $1,537
Blood gas analyzer 1 $10,580
Sterile processing Quantity Cost
Small and large autoclave 1 each $110,615
Washer 1 $88,047
Sink/sonic cleaner 1 $33,762
Spine Instrumentation Quantity Cost
Cervical set 2 $14,901
Currettes 2 $1,158
Lami set 3 $15,622
Lumbar trac 1 $21,098
Major lap 1 $2,892
Micro disk retractor 4 $16,650
Omni anterior lumbar 1 $13,998
Vascular set 1 $2,542
Total Cost $1,050,181
We invested a little more than $1 million
to outfit our facility for same-day spine
cases. Here's a breakdown of what we
bought and how much we spent to fill our
renovated surgery center with the needed
equipment and supplies.
— Rob Gagnon
What It Takes to
Add Outpatient Spine
• CAPITAL COSTS Yellowstone Surgery Center's new facility has 2 ORs designed to
host spine and total joints cases.