job we love, but with fixed hours, no late-night phone calls and week-
ends free. It's a huge lifestyle improvement for them, and the more sat-
isfied employees are, the more productive they are. And the more sat-
isfied patients end up being.
The right environment. Consumers are smart and discerning.
Choosing a facility is like choosing a restaurant. It's not just the
food; they also want a nice environment. So we worked with an
architect to design the space, and we prioritized comfort and quality
— nice furniture, soft lighting and a pleasant all-round customer expe-
The needed support. Obviously, our equipment is essential, so
we conducted an extensive search before choosing a vendor we
knew could provide both high-quality imaging and terrific support.
We've had machines malfunction on a couple of occasions. But we
chose the vendor we did in part because there are 5 engineers within a
15-20 mile radius, so we always know we'll be able to get somebody on
the same day, if necessary, and won't need to cancel procedures sched-
uled for the next day. The longest it's ever taken to get the fix we needed
was about 6 hours. That's a crucial consideration.
5 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7
Dr. Margni ( is a vascular specialist and the co-
owner of the Vascular Institute of Michigan in Flint.