6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 7
On the Cover
That's 86-year-old Jeanne
Holden, who went to the Oregon
Outpatient Surgery Center in
Tigard, Ore., to have a left tem-
poral artery biopsy performed
and left horribly burned after a
fire erupted on her face. We
examine what could have
fueled the flames and quiz you
on other real-life scenarios to
highlight best practices in
prepping patients for surgery.
Cover design by Ethan Anderson
Photo courtesy of
Kafoury & McDougal
8 Editor's Page
Putting Things Into Their Proper Perspective
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
10 Ideas That Work
• Cleaner, more stable capnography
• "X marks the spot" for OR cleaning
• A positive spin on pre-op time outs
18 Safety
Inside Our Sharps Safety Success
Mary Pat Gilligan, DNP, CNOR, NEA-BC
23 Coding & Billing
How Much Are You Leaving on the Table?
Vi Dodd, CPC, and Caleb Cox
27 Legal Update
The Legal Burden of Workplace Bullying
Angela T. Burnette, Esq., and Rebecca Kennedy, Esq.
33 Business Advisor
Low Patient Satisfaction Scores Will Cost You
Diane Stopyra | Contributing Editor
118 Thinking of Buying …
Whole-Room Disinfection Systems
Automated units reach the surfaces
that manual cleaning misses.
James Davis, MSN, CIC
133 Anesthesia Alert
Key Takeaways From the New OSA Guidelines
Jim Burger | Senior Editor
138 Product News
144 Cutting Remarks
Live Your Bliss
John D. Kelly IV, MD
146 Behind Closed Doors
The Not-So-Golden Olden Days
Paula Watkins, RN, CNOR
103 Boost Your Adenoma Detection Rate
Tools, techniques and technology for
more efficient screening colonoscopies.
Bill Donahue | Senior Editor
110 3 Amazing Advances in
Refractive Cataract Surgery
Outfit your facility to deliver the optimum
outcomes savvy patients are demanding.
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor