hat's a difficult image
to look at, isn't it? It's
the charred face of
86-year-old Jeanne
Holden, who went
to the Oregon Outpatient
Surgery Center in Tigard, Ore.,
on Sept. 16, 2016, for a left
temporal artery biopsy, but
left burned and blistered inside
her mouth, down her throat, up
her nose, in her ear, neck and
down part of her back. A $1 mil-
lion lawsuit filed on Ms. Holden's
behalf last month says she was
breathing supplemental oxy-
gen through a mask during
cauterization of the incision
Did Skin Prep
Fuel This Fire?
Alcohol-based skin preps cause only 4% of OR fires, but you
must still exercise care when applying these flammable agents.
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
• SCARRED Jeanne Holden, 86, was disfigured
after flames erupted in an Oregon surgery center.
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