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How Much Are You Leaving on the Table?
A busy surgical center shares 4 tips to collect all that's rightfully yours.
s one of the highest-volume multi-specialty ambulatory surgi-
cal centers in Virginia, we're always doing the legwork —
and, in some cases, the detective work — to make sure we
properly code every procedure. After working so hard to bring
patients through the door, we don't want to leave a dime we're enti-
tled to on the table. Here are 4 tactics that have worked well for us.
Compare the facility bill to the op report. When you analyze the
facility bill against the surgeon's operative report, it's not so much
about correcting incorrect billing; it's about identifying any codes that
were left out because the op report wasn't as specific as it needed to
be. The op report might say one thing and one thing only, but by look-
ing at each of the steps the surgeon took, including analyzing the mate-
Coding & Billing
Vi Dodd, CPC, and Caleb Cox
• CLEAN CLAIMS Ensuring the accuracy of every claim you submit goes a long way toward ensuring you're fully reimbursed.