1 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 7
he over bed
table that nurs-
es use to docu-
ment in your holding
area is a great place
to store hand gel. Use
Velcro to secure a
small bottle of gel to
the table. This way,
when the table is at
the foot of the
stretcher, patients can
see staff washing
their hands. Also
keep pump bottles of
hand gel in IV kit bas-
kets so patients can
see your nurses sani-
tizing their hands
before stepping up to
their side.
Kate L. Oliver,
Park Place
Surgical Hospital
Lafayette, La.
Let Patients See Your Staff Wash Their Hands
• SEE ME SANITIZE Keep bottles of hand gel handy in the pre-op holding area so
patients can see your staff practicing good hand hygiene.