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EM360 Disinfectant Spray System
(817) 349-3519
Price: not disclosed
FYI: Designed to complement existing disinfection application meth-
ods, E-Mist's cordless backpack system uses electrostatic applica-
tion technology to apply disinfectants to every touchable surface,
including those in tight spaces. The delivery system requires far less
disinfectant to do the job, says the company, and one person can dis-
infect up to 100,000 square feet in an hour, or an entire room in sec-
onds, while killing up to 99.9% of pathogens. It's compatible with all
water-soluble liquid agents, including disinfectants, sanitizers,
deodorizers and cleaners, and its rechargeable lithium ion battery
provides 2 hours of continuous use.