F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 3
C. diff in 5 minutes. Three of our 4
ORs have 4 points of contact,
and the one smaller OR has
3 points of contact. So fac-
toring in a 35-second
"grace period" to begin
each disinfection cycle,
we figure 27 minutes
to clean the 3 bigger
rooms and a little
more than 20 minutes
for the smaller one.
We'll remove the tape
and replace it about
once a month or so.
After our first year
of adding UV disinfec-
tion to our cleaning
protocol, things are going well. We've also expanded our use of the
robots to disinfect other parts of our campus, like the public rest-
rooms and the nurses' lounge. Our thinking is that we have the units
here, so we might as well rev up our use of them so we can maximize
the benefits.
Raphael Moore
Olean (N.Y.) General Hospital
• X FACTOR Mark the OR ceiling with electrical tape to let your environmental serv-
ices team know precisely where to position the UV disinfecting robot.