recognition and appreciation.
"Employees who report receiving
recognition and praise within the last
7 days show increased productivity,
get higher scores from customers,
and have better safety records," says
consultant and author Tom Rath.
"They're just more engaged at work."
That's a message that resonates
with Patrick Rehm, R.T. (R), adminis-
trator of the Center for Specialty
Surgery in Austin, Texas. "I fully
believe that staff are happy when
they feel they are treated with
respect," says Mr. Rehm.
"Complimenting staff goes a very
long way and should be done weekly,
if not daily."
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• NOT CHAINED Helen Lowenwirth, MBA, CASC, puts in 50 to 60 hours a week
at work, but by setting clear boundaries, she manages to enjoy the museums
and theaters in New York City.