J a n u a r y 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 5 3
n 2017, people expect immediate access to information wher-
ever they go, including the OR — especially the OR, for that
matter. And now they can have it. Mobile health apps have
helped surgical facilities open the lines of communication in a
variety of ways. In addition to providing regular updates to set-
tle the nerves of waiting family members, these apps can simplify a
number of time-consuming tasks — everything from procuring pre-
admission assessments, to sharing essential pre- and post-op instruc-
tions, to sending friendly reminders about coming-due payments (see
"Text Patients Before, During and After Surgery" on page 34).
Surgical facilities that invest in these technologies stand to harvest
some tangible fruits in terms of patient satisfaction, efficiency and
What's New in
Engage with patients in a more intimate way — on their
cherished mobile devices. Bill Donahue | Senior Editor
Patient Communication Apps
• SCREEN TEST Mobile health apps
can improve communication between
staff and patients while simplifying a
number of time-consuming tasks.