Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.
Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/771117
6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7 On the Cover Managing the unavoidable stress of surgery while still finding time to enjoy the pleasures of home life is difficult, but essential, according to the hospital and surgery center professionals who took part in our annual salary survey. It's clear that some of your peers have grown frustrated with the daily grind of the OR, but most love their jobs and would gladly choose the same career path again. Also see how your salary, bonus and level of job satisfaction stack up. Cover design: Ethan Anderson Photography: Pamela Bevelhymer, RN, BSN 8 Editor's Page Double Standard on Double-Booked Surgeries Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief 10 Point-Counterpoint Is Medical Direction of CRNAs a Reimbursement Scheme or Safer for Patients? 14 Ideas That Work • Protect patients' eyes before securing the airway • Turn surgical masks into sleeping masks • Stagger staff to cover cases that run late 24 Business Advisor A Master's Degree in the Business of Surgery Wolfgang Stehr, MD, MBA 29 Legal Update Double Dose of Good Regulatory News for ASCs Mark F. Weiss, JD 31 Staffing The Benefits of Build-to-Order Instrument Sets Christopher Backous, MHA 146 Infection Prevention The Quest for Competent Sterile Processors Rose Seavey, MBA, BS, RN, CNOR, CRCST, CSPDT 150 Safety Fine Tune Your Time Outs Dwight Burney, MD 154 Product News 160 Cutting Remarks The OHIO Rule in the OR John D. Kelly IV, MD 162 Behind Closed Doors Are We Conditioned Like Pavlov's Dogs? Paula Watkins, RN, CNOR 24 150 Departments 122 Let's Team Up to Prevent Patient Harm Our exploration of surgical safety kicks off with a look at the persistent problem of medical care gone wrong. Daniel Cook | Executive Editor 131 Is Forced Air Warming Losing Steam? Why some surgical facilities are seeking alternatives for maintaining normothermia. Bill Donahue | Senior Editor 138 Surgical Skin Antisepsis Done Right 10 tips for ensuring that patients begin their surgical procedure with an aseptic surgical site. Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief Features