Double Dose of Good Regulatory News for ASCs
Medicare law promotes pricing transparency and removes EHR penalties.
very ambulatory
surgical center
should bow down
and give thanks to the 21
Century Cures Act, a law
that promotes pricing
transparency and protects
physicians who perform
cases in ASCs from EHR
penalties. Here's how
ASCs and their physician-
owners could benefit.
• Pricing transparency.
In 2017, Medicare on aver-
age will pay surgical cen-
ters 50% of what hospital
outpatient departments
(HOPDs) receive for pro-
viding the same surgical
services. This dramatic
ASC-HOPD pricing disparity will now be somewhat of a good thing for
surgical centers. That's because a provision in the Cures Act requires
the Department of Health and Human Services to create a searchable
website that will let consumers compare differences in their out-of-
pocket costs (assuming no supplemental insurance) and in the
Medicare beneficiary liability for various surgeries when those proce-
dures are performed in HOPDs and ASCs. With few exceptions, HOPD
charges for a procedure will exceed those at the ASC setting. It's a safe
Legal Update
F. Weiss, JD
Patients will have financial
information that compels
them to choose an ASC
for their surgery.
• CURES ACT Patients will be able to compare their out-of-pocket costs at a surgical
center hospital vs. a hospital outpatient department, thanks to the 21
Century Cures Act.