1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7
hat can you get when you've been NPO, missed your morn-
ing java and worried so much you haven't slept a wink?
Answer: a big, honking headache. For a patient who has a
headache coming on, there's nothing worse than sitting in a bright and
bustling pre-op. We are sensitive to that at our center. At the first com-
plaint of pain, we pull out all the stops to soothe that achy head.
After getting those IV fluids going, we might apply an ice pack to the
back of the neck or forehead, depending on what feels better for the
patient. Especially with those prone to migraines, we reduce ambient
stimuli by turning down both the noise and the light. This can also be
achieved with disposable earplugs and a sleep mask. Don't have a
latex-free sleep mask available? Simply make one for pennies out of a
surgical mask. We've provided a step-by-step guide, shown above.
(Move over, Martha!)
For those post-op patients who are still complaining of a headache
from caffeine withdrawal, send them away satisfied with an iced cof-
fee. The ice provides additional hydration and there's no risk of get-
ting burned.
Lisa Ertle, BA, RN
Surgicare of Oradell (N.J.)
Cure a Patient's Pre-op Headache
Ideas Work