J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 5
nstead of walking back and forth across the supply room to get
the items you need in different aisles, organize your supplies like
the aisles in a grocery store. You start at one end of the room and
work your way toward the opposite door. Similar to a supermarket,
we label supplies on the shelf with the product name, the materials
management ordering number and a bar code.
We also place blue or pink stickers on the shelves to indicate
whether the item is an in-house item (blue) or a special-ordered item
(pink) that requires a purchase order to the vendor. We place a lami-
nated pink card within special-order items to trigger that it's time to
reorder. On the card we mark the date we placed the order and when
we expect it to arrive. This removes the guesswork of whether we've
reordered the item.
Elaine Gibson, BSN, RN, CNOR
Goshen (Ind.) Hospital
Organize Your Supply Room Like a Supermarket
trip to the supermarket is so much
more efficient when you have an
organized grocery list. Same goes
for a trip to your supply room.