1 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J a n u a r y 2 0 1 7
here are
no excus-
es for
reprocessed endo-
scopes. Not anymore.
We've all read about
the unspeakable
tragedies from inade-
quately reprocessed scopes. We know that any gaps in your proce-
dures could lead to infections. Is your facility up to date with the lat-
est scope reprocessing guidelines? Here are 7 takeaways from the
most recent guidance.
1. Pre-clean
Everyone knows the importance of point-of-use pre-cleaning, but
some still aren't doing it. Pre-clean as soon as possible after the proce-
dure is complete. The process should include both suctioning clean-
ing solution through the scope channels to moisten and remove
Are You Following the New
Scope Reprocessing Guidelines?
Review these 7 take-
aways from the most
recent guidance to
find out for sure.
Marie a. Bashaw,
DnP, rn, nEa-BC
Dayton, Ohio
• BRUSH WITH SUCCESS A common mistake is using the same brush on multiple