am the sterile
manager for
the Clinics
and Surgery
Center located on
the University of
Minnesota Medical
Center Campus. It's a
10-OR facility that
opened in February
— using nothing but
sterile wrap to store
sterilized instru-
ments. Yes, I'm talk-
ing about tearable, rippable, puncturable sterile wrap. Here's why I
stand by that decision.
Container blues
In the rigid-versus-wrap debate, we hear so much about the holes that
Wrapped Instrument Trays
or Sealed Containers?
Two sterile processing managers debate the merits
of fabric and metal sterilization packaging systems.
Which Is Better:
Blue Wrap
Phillip Van Gorp
Minneapolis, Minn.
• THAT'S A WRAP Sterilization wrap is flexible and conformable around the instrument tray.
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