Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Obamacare, You're Fired - December 2016 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/758793

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Page 54 of 132

cover, to be worn by patients undergoing plastic surgeries longer than 90 minutes. The cone-shaped device has an elastic opening on one end and a drawstring at the other that cinches around the patient's tucked-in hair. It covers the patient's forehead and the top and back of the head. The facility still uses forced-air warming and pre-warmed cotton blankets for all cases, but Dr. Bazzell's head cover, used in con- junction with those devices for longer cases, has made a big differ- ence. "On average, patients who didn't have head covers on would be 0.6°C degrees under (normal)," says Dr. Bazzell, "and the ones who had head covers were 0.6°C warmer. It just made sense as an adjunct warming device. You lose a lot of heat through your hair and through the top of your head." CSZ's FilteredFlo blankets are designed to ÀOWHUWKHDLUEHIRUHLWFRPHVLQFRQWDFW ZLWKWKHSDWLHQW+HOSLQJSUHYHQWWKHULVN RILQIHFWLRQWR\RXUSDWLHQW :KHQFRPELQHGZLWKWKH:DUP$LU WKH)LOWHUHG)OREODQNHWVDUHLQWHQGHG WRSUHYHQWK\SRWKHUPLDDQGRUUHGXFH FROGGLVFRPIRUWEHIRUHGXULQJDQGDIWHU VXUJLFDOSURFHGXUHV CSZ FilteredFlo® Blankets www.cszmedical.com 10199

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