rofitable arthroscopy is
all about efficiency. You
never want to downplay
the warm personal touch
that keeps patients happy, but you always want to keep
things moving. To keep your arthroscopic procedures in the fast lane,
here are 28 tips for you, your surgeons and your staff.
1. Stay on top of special needs. Realizing on the day of surgery that
you don't have a specific supply you need is a killer. "I always look at
the schedule to make sure we have any special items needed for
upcoming cases," says Angie Reynolds, RN, administrator of an
8 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 6
28 Tips to Improve
Arthroscopy Efficiency
• ECONOMY OF MOVEMENT Keeping similar procedures in the same OR keeps the circulator from having to move equipment around as frequently.
Keep cases moving, surgeons happy and profits flowing.
Jim Burger
Senior Editor