Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Obamacare, You're Fired - December 2016 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/758793

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Page 28 of 132

$2,700 for a carpal tunnel release, $3,600 for cataracts, $3,861 for a hemorrhoidectomy, $4,750 for a bunionectomy, $4,900 for an arthro- scopic meniscal repair and $5,800 for a bilateral inguinal hernia, just to list a few. The price they see on our site is the price they pay: no unforeseen charges. The price includes the facility fee, the surgeon's professional fee and anesthesia's fee. There's an extra charge for lab fees, as well as for hardware, implants and devices, but we don't mark those up — patients pay our invoice price. On our site, when prospective patients move their cursor over a head-to-toe diagram of a (transparent) patient, each body part pro- duces a dropdown menu of select procedures and prices. If the price is right, patients can use the site to take the next step to scheduling their procedure. We're not only marketing our price transparency directly to patients, but also to primary care physicians. We encourage them to inform patients with high out-of-pocket expenses about our services. Word is spreading, not just that we've posted our prices online, but that our prices are considerably lower than our competitor's. A physician caring for a self-pay patient recently relayed to us that a hospital quoted the patient a price of $25,000 for an inguinal hernia repair. Our price: $4,900. At least the hospital quoted him a price. Research shows that most hospitals can't even do that. Only 10% of the 102 hospitals researchers contacted (2 in every state and the District of Columbia) were able to give a complete price for a hip replacement over the phone, finds a 2013 study in JAMA Internal Medicine (osmag.net/k2xEZH). Even then, the prices were wildly inconsistent, ranging from $11,000 to $125,000. How to go transparent Consumers won't shop on price alone. Without superb outcomes and D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 2 9

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