D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 9
Vendor Reps Are People, Too
Treat your surgical salespeople as strategic partners.
o you view your vendor reps as colleagues or as quota-chas-
ing intruders? Here are 6 tips to foster positive, productive
relationships with reps.
Track their whereabouts. Vendor tracking software
(osmag.net/3GxrQF) makes it easy to manage vendor credentials
and keep tabs on their comings and goings. When a rep enters our facili-
ty, he logs into the tracking system at a kiosk located near the staff
entrance. The program prints a paper identification badge, so everyone
in the facility knows the reps are conducting legitimate business.
Diane Doucette, MBA, RN
• EXPERT IN THE ROOM Vendors often know how to use their devices better than surgeons do.