• HTX 011, a new extended-release pain medication from Heron
Pharmaceuticals, is moving into Phase III trials and early indications
involving 2 notoriously painful procedures — hernia repair and
bunionectomy — look promising. Combining bupivacaine and the
NSAID meloxicam, the formulation has achieved a one-third reduc-
tion in overall pain at 96 hours for hernias and a significant reduction
in the use of opiates. It's likely to be effective for a period of 3 to 5
days, says the company.
• A non-opioid injection for chronic pain patients could be effective
for up to 90 days, says inventor and PixarBio chief technology officer
Jason Criscione, PhD, who was on hand at ASA. The non-opiate mor-
phine replacement is a depo formulation of the anti-epileptic drug
carbamazepine that selectively inhibits small diameter nerve fibers,
providing a pure sensory nerve block with no impact on motor func-
tion or 2-point discriminative touch. It can be used anywhere a
peripheral nerve block can be used. Dr. Criscione expects FDA
approval to be smooth, since carbamazepine is already indicated for
epilepsy and pain.
• Masimo's brain-function monitor
is designed to help keep patients at
optimal anesthesia levels. Along
with 4 simultaneous channels of
frontal EEG waveforms, Root with
SedLine shows a density spectral
array that contrasts the power of the
EEG on both sides of the brain. The
screen is customizable and includes an overall patient state index
related to the effect of anesthetic agents. — Jim Burger
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