6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6
On the Cover
In this month's cover story, sur-
geons open up about the prac-
tices and perks that matter
most when they're deciding
where to operate. You need to
tap into what makes them tick,
whether it's ownership shares
or a stash of their favorite
snacks, to attract and retain top
surgical talent.
Cover design by Ethan Anderson
8 Editor's Page
Does Your Facility Have Surgeon Appeal?
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
10 Ideas That Work
• Use milk runs to restock ORs
• Find safe places to hide
• Nurses sitting in on interviews
17 A Look Back at OR Excellence 2016
Picture profiles of the speakers who
stole the show in Bonita Springs, Fla.
34 Coding & Billing
Coding Pain Procedures With Precision
Stephanie Ellis, RN, CPC
40 Business Advisor
Get Your Credentialing Files in Order
Leslie Mattson, RN, BSHM
105 Thinking of Buying …
An Automated Endoscope Reprocessor
7 questions to ask to find the AER
that best suits your needs.
Donna Nucci, RN, BSN, CIC
115 Cutting Remarks
The Spirit of Giving Is Alive and Well
John D. Kelly IV, MD
117 Behind Closed Doors
The OR Set to Radio Disney
Paula Watkins, RN, CNOR
Our Readers
Chose Trump
A few weeks before this month's presidential
election, Outpatient Surgery Magazine asked its
readers to cast their ballots. Based on more
than 650 votes, Donald Trump beat Hillary
Clinton by a wide margin.
Who would get your vote if the
presidential election were held today?
• Donald Trump 56%
• Hillary Clinton 32%
• Undecided 12%