there is an information/liability release statement.
Update your delineation of privileges. Update your delineation
of privileges list with any new requested procedures (include
CPT codes for easy reference) and get governing board approval as
that happens. Once approved, provide a copy to the scheduler so she
knows what's appropriate to schedule. Upon re-appointment, create a
document for the applicant to sign and request either no changes, or
indicate any requested changes with the correlating CPT code. Don't
forget to include non-procedure privileges, like moderate sedation and
Once you grant appointment … provide the applicant with a let-
ter indicating the appointment period, and a reminder that the
appointment is based on adherence to the facility's by-laws. Put the
re-appointment date in your calendar.
Ms. Mattson (, who has worked in surgery center manage-
ment for 20 years, is president of ALM Consulting Services in Atlanta, Ga.
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