What Surgeons Want
Make sure you cater to the needs
of your most important customers.
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
55 5 Trends to Watch in ENT Technology
Advances in technology are leading to
better outcomes and more-satisfied patients.
Allan L. Allphin, MD, FACS, FAAP
62 5 Keys to Success With
Continuous Nerve Blocks
A master of ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia
takes the mystery out of setting up an efficient program.
Brandon Winchester, MD
69 How to Run a Successful Glove Trial
With clear goals, communication and an organized
plan, glove trials don't have to be trying experiences.
Denise M. Korniewicz, PhD, RN, FAAN
74 Missed a Spot?
From UV robots to vapor fogging with hydrogen perox-
ide, a review of your whole-room disinfection options.
Sarah Handzel, BSN, RN
82 Fine-Tune Your Cataract Cases
5 tips to improve your efficiency.
Robert Calandra | Contributing Editor
87 3 GI Trends Worth Watching
A new way to prep (make that cleanse),
better adenoma detection and advances
in the treatment of reflux disease.
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
96 Clearing the View in Arthroscopy
Tips, tools and techniques that improve visualization.
Christopher V. Bensen, MD
November 2016 • Vol. XVII, No. 11
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