N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 5
Record an after-hours staffing
assignment phone message so
your staff know when to arrive
the next day. Here's how. Just
before leaving for the day, the
clinical manager composes a
staffing list and delivers it to a
business office staff member,
who records the staffing
assignment phone message on
a line that's dedicated for staff
access. The message lists
tomorrow's staff arrival times
and area of assignment. Staff
are expected to call in the
evening to verify their arrival
time. We also record a daily
message for anesthesia
providers to know OR room
start times, including surgeon
and total number of cases for
each surgeon per OR room.
Deneas Cochran, RN, CNOR
Children's West
Surgery Center
Knoxville, Tenn.
Notify Staff of Last-Minute Schedule Changes
that we decided to give her a shot. And it's worked out great. She's
still here: our staff education coordinator, physician scheduler and a
nurse any patient would love to have.
Rochelle Kingsley, RN
Lakewood Surgery Center
Grand Rapids, Minn.