1 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6
e all know that hiring decisions can make or break a sur-
gery center — good employees are invaluable and bad
ones can be disastrous. To help make sure we make good
decisions when it comes to hiring nurses, I always have 2 of our cur-
rent nurses sit in during the interview. They review resumes and help
generate questions I might not think of, since, after all, they're on the
front lines.
I do it on a rotating basis, so all current nurses get to participate and
provide their thoughts. They get a break from their routine, and it
boosts their confidence knowing that I value their opinions. Most
importantly, I think we make better hiring decisions as a result of
their feedback.
For example, a while back, we had someone come in who had no
job experience. We rarely hire anyone just out of college, and normal-
ly, I'd have been reluctant in her case. But during the interview she
really blew the other nurses out of the water. They were so impressed
Why Your Nurses Should Sit in on RN Job Interviews
• BETTER HIRES Let your staff nurses help evaluate RN job candidates.