N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 1 5
Cutting Remarks
John D. Kelly IV, MD
just returned from another
teaching mission to Managua,
Nicaragua. This trip was espe-
cially gratifying due to the awe-
inspiring support I received from my
staff and my sales reps when I asked
for help procuring implants and
instruments, both of which are
scarce commodities in Nicaragua.
• Nursing staff. When I apprised
my nursing staff of my upcoming
excursion to a poor country, they showered me with an outpouring of
support. No surprise there. All the goodwill forces converged as my
esteemed crew diligently searched for unused (but sterile) implants.
One nurse, who shall remain nameless, remarked that it was possible
for a few implants to "mysteriously fall from the shelf, never to be
found again!" Years of accrued Catholic guilt prevented me from out-
right stealing, although the Robin Hood impulse to plunder from the
rich to give to the poor did at times overtake me.
• Sales reps. I solicited donations from 2 trusted shoulder vendors,
both of whom have long serviced my ORs. When I asked the first sales
rep, he sheepishly replied that he "wasn't sure" if he could spare
implants. "I'll have to ask my manager," he said. Not looking good. But
several days later, he pleasantly surprised me with several treasured
absorbable glenoid anchors, perfect for instability cases. He also left a
biceps tenodesis kit in my locker. Off to a good start. Things were
about to get better.
The Spirit of Giving Is Alive and Well
My staff and sales reps rally for my teaching mission to Nicaragua.
• BROTHERS IN ARMS Dr. Kelly with the surgeons he trained on a teaching mis-
sion to Managua, Nicaragua.