1 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6
e created
cards that
alert staff to
the dates that supplies
need to be removed from
stock and replaced. Cut
the cards out of red
stock paper using a
smartphone as a cutting
template. After laminat-
ing the cards, use a dry
erase marker — that way
you can reuse the cards
— to note supply items
and the dates they
expire. Hang the cards
on wire shelves with
loose-leaf binder rings or attach them to plastic storage carts
with heavy-duty Velcro. The cards serve as a quick visual
reminder of when supplies become outdated and hold everyone
accountable to when items need to be replaced — our culture is:
if you see it, you deal with it. We also perform monthly checks of
all supply storage areas to ensure we're catching and addressing
outdated supplies.
Debra Beauchesne, RN, BSN, CNOR
North County Hospital
Newport, Vt.
Hang Tags to Identify Outdated Supplies
• VISUAL REMINDERS Make supply expiration dates easy for staff to spot.