would simultaneously
provide both a potent
anesthetic and an anti-
inflammatory agent
directly to tissue, again
potentially reducing
the need for opioids.
Yet another long-acting
bupivacaine product
under investigation
would be instilled
directly into surgical
incisions with a blunt-
tipped applicator, or
injected into targeted
spaces using endo-
scopic guidance. There
it would form a
biodegradable depot
that would release
therapeutic levels of
bupivacaine over a 72-
hour period. "One of
these will likely be useful for infiltration as well as peripheral nerve
blocks and will provide longer-term pain relief," he says.
Gadgets galore
"We have self-driving cars, why not self-intubating endotracheal
tubes?" asks Mr. Horowitz. "Someone will build one with sensors or
GPS — whatever it takes to find the trachea every time."
6 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • O C T O B E R 2 0 1 6
• JOINT VENTURE Expect outpatient total knees to become the
"standard" as time goes on.